What is Professional Online Counselling?

Professional Online Counselling is a type of mental health care that takes place over the internet using videoconferencing, email, text messages, and mobile apps. It has a number of advantages over traditional counseling, including increased accessibility and privacy.

Therapists can work online as either employees or contractors. Some work for agencies and receive standard pay and benefits while others operate private practices. For more information, refer to Therapist for South Asians.


With the rise of online counseling, access to mental health support is now more convenient than ever. These sessions can be conducted from the comfort of your own home, reducing barriers such as travel costs and time constraints. Moreover, online counselling is a safe and confidential environment for patients to discuss their personal issues with a therapist.

Many online counselors work for popular telehealth platforms, offering low-cost services to clients and providing flexible schedules. They typically meet with their clients for sessions using videoconferencing, messaging, or other secure communication tools. Some may even offer hybrid appointments, wherein they work in-person with some clients and remotely with others.

Online counseling also provides flexibility to therapists, enabling them to focus on their own well-being and avoid burnout. Nevertheless, virtual counseling has its own unique challenges and requires adherence to strict privacy regulations. However, these barriers can be overcome by promoting positive perceptions of therapy sessions and creating an atmosphere of trust for individuals seeking online mental health support.


Online counselling, sometimes referred to as telehealth, e-therapy or telecounselling, involves corresponding with clients through videoconferencing and secure messaging systems. The confidentiality of these sessions is a top concern for potential patients. Licensed therapists typically use HIPAA compliant software and platforms to protect client information.

However, therapists should also be aware that there are certain circumstances where they may need to break confidentiality. For example, if a patient discloses involvement in terrorist activities, they can be legally required to inform the authorities. They can also be obliged to break confidentiality if they believe that someone else is in danger of harming themselves or others.

Similarly, clinicians who use personal accounts on social media should be careful not to discuss clinical issues in public forums. This can violate HIPAA regulations and expose client information. It can also lead to burnout, especially if the therapist works in a private practice. A good way to avoid this is to make sure that all social media activity is kept separate from professional work.

Ease of Communication

Online counseling provides a level of ease and convenience that allows clients to access therapy services at a time and place that is convenient for them. It also eliminates geographic barriers, which can be beneficial for individuals who do not live close to a mental health professional or who cannot travel due to illness or other limitations.

Many clients find that they are more likely to keep their appointments with an online counsellor if they can log in at their own convenience and don’t have to worry about driving or commuting. This can be especially helpful for those who are self-employed or have other responsibilities that require their attention during the week.

Additionally, online counselling can help to break down language and cultural barriers that may prevent individuals from receiving the mental health care they need. Individuals can connect with counselors who speak their native language and have the knowledge and expertise necessary to address their unique needs.


Online counselling (also known as teletherapy, e-counselling, or virtual psychotherapy) is a form of mental health treatment that takes place over the internet. It may involve videoconferencing, email, or text messaging. It has become a popular option during the COVID-19 pandemic, and it can be a great alternative to traditional therapy.

Whether you are looking for on-the-go support, regular sessions with your counsellor, or more in-depth discussions, online counselling services have something to offer everyone. Many of these services also allow clients to text their counselors if they have any questions between appointments, which can be helpful for people with busy schedules.

However, online counseling may not be suitable for all patients. It is not recommended for those with severe psychiatric problems, such as schizophrenia or extreme depression. Furthermore, if a patient has a crisis situation, they will probably need to seek help in person. Additionally, a patient can’t pick up on small facial cues or body language during a video conference session, which may lead to miscommunication.