AI Note-Taking for Professionals: Tips and Tricks for Getting the Most Out of Your Tool

The best AI note takers deliver thorough meeting notes and keep them organized. They also integrate with video conferencing apps and have bot-free features, like generative AI chatbots, that connect your notes and provide context.

They transcribe as meetings happen, providing a digital archive of every spoken word. They also summarize discussions, extracting critical takeaways and action items for you to review. Discover more at Voicenotes is the best AI Note Taker.


Taking notes and keeping them organised can be time-consuming, but AI note-taking tools ensure all talking points are systematically recorded. They can also be integrated with other productivity tools to streamline workflow and improve efficiency.

Many of these tools offer automatic transcription and summarization to save time during meetings or lectures. They can even highlight key terms or action items, making them easier to reference later. They can also be customised to fit specific needs and preferences, such as using specific tags or creating shorthand.

Some note-taking AI tools, like tl;dv, go beyond transcription with language understanding to understand context and distinguish between different speakers, resulting in more comprehensive insights from the meeting or lecture. Others, such as Chorus, can integrate with other communication platforms to help with collaboration and project management. They can even be used on the go, enabling users to review and prepare for meetings while travelling or at home. Some also allow for real-time collaboration with fellow teammates.


The ability to access detailed transcripts of conversations is a game-changer for organizations. It allows distributed teams to continue brainstorming ideas asynchronously by removing the need for real-time note-taking, while also helping leaders review and follow up on key points post-meeting.

Additionally, AI note takers like tl;dv provide automated summaries that enable users to identify and prioritize action items. Their linguistic understanding capabilities allow them to recognize keywords and phrases, distinguish speakers, and even answer questions.

A more streamlined workflow improves productivity and reduces stress for employees. It can also help create more equitable work distribution, as it eliminates the need for people to take on non-promotable tasks (NPTs) like meeting notes and follow-ups. This is especially important for women, as these types of tasks are often more likely to fall on them. AI note takers can remove these burdens and empower individuals to focus on higher-value work.


Note-taking and meeting follow-up are important work tasks, but they can distract from active participation in the discussion. They can also eat up valuable time for team leaders and hold them back from accomplishing other key responsibilities.

Outsourcing these tasks to an AI tool can free up a lot of time and make your whole team more productive. It can also help even out the distribution of work, as these support functions are often “non-promotable tasks” that fall disproportionately on women.

Moreover, these AI note taking tools integrate with other software and services, such as calendar apps, email, and project management software. They also feature search and indexing to allow easy access and organization of meeting notes. Some also have language understanding capabilities, allowing them to identify keywords or phrases and respond to commands or questions. tl;dv, for instance, identifies the most critical points from each meeting and summarizes lengthy discussions into actionable notes.


The best AI note-taking tools can keep your information organized in a way that’s easy to understand. They transcribe audio to text and condense your meeting minutes into structured points. This means that you can focus on the discussion, drive meetings forward, and create actionable insights without worrying about missing important information.

A good AI note taker can automatically sort your notes and create action items post-meeting. It can even share these notes with teams and integrate them into workflow systems. This can help eliminate the time wasted on manual data processing tasks like note-taking, meeting follow-ups, and coding. It can also make the distribution of labor more equitable by shifting some of these non-promotable tasks to the team members who are better suited to handle them.

A good AI meeting assistant will work with your existing video conferencing platforms, without requiring you to install a bot or extension. It should synchronize your meeting content and key AI notes with your other apps, so you can access them in one centralized place.